ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക


വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാല സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
ഈ താൾ, പുതിയ ഗ്രന്ഥശാലാ ഉപയോക്താക്കളെ, തിരുത്തലിൽ ഫലകങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കുമാറാക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കും.

ഫലക-വർഗ്ഗവൃക്ഷം കൂടി കാണുക : വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാല ഫലകങ്ങൾ

Templates are shortcuts placed within sets of double curly brackets to perform various functions throughout Wikisource. As you proofread and edit texts in Wikisource, you can use templates to aid in formatting, navigation, and and a variety of other tasks.

രൂപവിന്യാസ ഫലകങ്ങൾ


Formatting templates are used to change the way that text displays when being read.

Change text case with {{uc}} (upper case), {{lc}} (lower case), {{small-caps}} and {{capitalize}}. While it is OK to omit the use of the upper case, lower case, and capitalize templates altogether, where they are used they should only be inserted where the choice of case in the work is a formatting decision (ex. special formatting in a work's title), rather than as required for spelling or grammar (ex. in an acronym).

Template Example Result
{{uc}} {{uc|uppercase}} uppercase
{{small-caps}}, {{sc}} {{sc|Small Caps}} Small Caps
{{capitalize}} {{capitalize|capitalize}} capitalize

അക്ഷര വലുപ്പം


All Wikisource size templates are relative to the default size. There are two kinds of sizing template: inline and block templates. Inline templates are suitable for use within a paragraph, but can't handle paragraph breaks, and do not adjust line spacing. Block templates can handle paragraph breaks, and adjust line spacing, but are not suitable for use within a paragraph, as they will cause a paragraph break.

Inline template Block template വലിപ്പം ഉദാഹരണം
{{xx-smaller}} {{xx-smaller block}} 58% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{x-smaller}} {{x-smaller block}} 69% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{smaller}} {{smaller block}} 83% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{fine block}} 92%

ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ

100% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{larger}} {{larger block}} 120% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{x-larger}} {{x-larger block}} 144% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{xx-larger}} {{xx-larger block}} 182% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{xxx-larger}} {{xxx-larger block}} 207% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
{{xxxx-larger}} {{xxxx-larger block}} 249% ഹരിശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഃ
Size elements
{{font-size}} manual text scaling
{{font-size-x}} also scales line height

Indenting and Alignment


Text is by default aligned left, but where it is required to manually align text to the left, use {{left}}. To float a block of text to the left without affecting text alignment within the block, use {{float left}} or {{block left}}.

To align text to the right, use {{right}}. To float a block of text to the right without affecting text alignment within the block, use {{float right}} or {{block right}}.

To center text, use {{center}} (or {{c}}). To float a block of text to the center without affecting text alignment within the block, use {{block center}}.

Template Example Result
{{left}} {{left|this text<br/>is left justified}}
this text
is left justified
{{center}}, {{c}} {{c|this text<br/>is center justified}}
this text
is center justified
{{right}} {{right|this text<br/>is right justified}}
this text
is right justified

{{block left}}, {{float left}} {{block left|this block of text<br/>is left justified}}
this block of text
is left justified
{{block center}} {{block center|this block of text<br/>is center justified}}

this block of text text
is center justified

{{block right}}, {{float right}} {{block right|this block of text<br/>is right justified}}
this block of text
is right justified
{{ഇടത്തുംവലത്തും}} {{ഇടത്തുംവലത്തും|ഇടതുവശത്ത് വരേണ്ടത്|വലതുവശത്ത് വരേണ്ടത്}}
ഇടതുവശത്ത് വരേണ്ടത് വലതുവശത്ത് വരേണ്ടത്

To indent the first line of a paragraph, the template {{text-indent}} is available. Use {{nodent}} to "un-indent" a paragraph within the block. Note replicating indented paragraphs is typically not done in works transcribed here, and paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

To indent every line of a paragraph except the first, use {{hanging indent}} (or {{hi}}) or {{outdent}}. To indent a block of text left, use the colon (:) before the block. For more control, the template {{left margin}} is available. Template {{dent}} combines the functionality of {{left margin}}, {{text-indent}} and {{hi}}

To insert a fixed gap in text, use {{gap}}

Template Example Result
{{text-indent}}, {{nodent}} {{text-indent|2em|

This paragraph of text has its initial line indented. This is not standard practice. Only use where there is a specific reason to do so.

This paragraph, and any following paragraphs, will also have its initial line indented.

{{nodent|Unless you use "nodent". This paragraph does not have its initial line indented.}}


This paragraph of text has its initial line indented. This is not standard practice. Only use where there is a specific reason to do so.

This paragraph, and any following paragraphs, will also have its initial line indented.

Unless you use "nodent". This paragraph does not have its initial line indented.

{{hanging indent}}, {{hi}}, {{outdent}} {{outdent|This paragraph of text has a hanging indent, often used on long entries in tables or lists}}
This paragraph of text has a hanging indent, often used on long entries in tables or lists
{{left margin}}, : {{left margin|2em|This block of text is indented left 2 "ems", to offset it from the main body}}

This block of text is indented left 2 "ems", to offset it from the main body

{{dent}} {{dent|4em|-2em|This block of text is formatted with both a left margin and a hanging indent}}

This block of text is formatted with both a left margin and a hanging indent

Character formatting


To drop the initial character of a paragraph, use {{dropinitial}}. To replicate a large initial character that does not descend into the paragraph, use {{largeinitial}}

The m-dash, with the appropriate hair spaces surrounding it, can be entered using {{}}. The spaces do not always appear correctly however, so use with caution. To replicate a inline straight line (usually indicating missing or redacted text) use {{bar}} as multiple m-dashes sometimes render as a dashed line.

To create a large brace spanning multiple lines of text, use {{brace}} or {{brace2}}. "brace" is limited to use with or in a table, "brace2" may be used anywhere.

Some works, especially older ones, use ligatures, diacritics, and alternate letterforms. Whether or not to transcribe this formatting is left up to the transcriber. These characters may be hard coded, or entered with templates. Where it is desireable to replicate the long s (s, S) in older works, templates {{long s}} or {{ls}} and {{long S}} or {{lS}} are available. Note these templates now require the addition of some lines to your CSS or Javascript pages to display. For the descending f, (ƒ), use {{f}}. Ligatures of various letter combinations can be found in Category:Ligature templates. Templates to assist in the entering of diacritics can be found in Category:Diacritic templates

Templates {{'}}, {{(}} and {{)}} allow for the insertion of the special characters ', {, and } where it would otherwise be difficult or impossible due to wikimarkup.

Display of Greek quotes, etc. can be improved with the use of {{polytonic}}.

Template Example Result
{{dropinitial}}, {{di}} {{di|D}}ropped initials are used quite often in many types of works Dropped initials are used quite often in many types of works
{{largeinitial}} {{largeinitial|L}}arge initials are less common, but are usually easier to format Large initials are less common, but are usually easier to format.
{{}} An m-dash{{—}}with hair spaces An m-dash — with hair spaces
{{bar}} Use bar {{bar|3}} for multiple m-dashes Use bar ——— for multiple m-dashes
{{brace}} {| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="background-color:transparent"


Foo {{brace|r|t}}
Bar {{brace|r|s}}
Spam {{brace|r|mt}}
Eggs {{brace|r|mb}}
Bread {{brace|r|s}}
Text {{brace|r|m}}
Text {{brace|r|b}}
Stuff {{brace|r|ht}}
Things {{brace|r|hb}}
{{brace2}} {{brace2|}} {{brace2|2}} {{brace2|4|r}} {{brace2|1|l}} {{brace2|3|l}}
{{long s}}, {{ls}}, {{long S}}, {{lS}}, {{f}} minuscule long s: {{ls}}; capital long S: {{lS}}; descending f: {{f}} minuscule long s: s; capital long S: S; descending f: ƒ
{{'}}, {{(}} and {{)}} apostrophe: {{'}}; open and close brackets: {{(}} {{)}} apostrophe: '; open and close brackets: { };
{{polytonic}} Normal: Οἱ ἄνθρωποι πρὸς τὸ ἀληθὲς πεφύκασιν ἱκανῶς, καὶ τὰ πλείω τυγχάνουσι τῆς ἀληθείας.

Polytonic: {{polytonic|Οἱ ἄνθρωποι πρὸς τὸ ἀληθὲς πεφύκασιν ἱκανῶς, καὶ τὰ πλείω τυγχάνουσι τῆς ἀληθείας.}}

Normal: Οἱ ἄνθρωποι πρὸς τὸ ἀληθὲς πεφύκασιν ἱκανῶς, καὶ τὰ πλείω τυγχάνουσι τῆς ἀληθείας.

Polytonic: Οἱ ἄνθρωποι πρὸς τὸ ἀληθὲς πεφύκασιν ἱκανῶς, καὶ τὰ πλείω τυγχάνουσι τῆς ἀληθείας.

{{oe}} Check out that Ph{{oe}}nician pottery! Check out that Phœnician pottery!
{{ae}} All hail Athenæ! All hail Athenæ!

Use {{rule}} in preference of "----" for the creation of horizontal lines spanning the page. In addition, rule can create horizontal seperators of any length. For more fancy lines, {{custom rule}} is available.

For breaking up discontinuous runs of pages, for example when seperating blocks of transluded front and end matter (ex. Title Page, Dedication, Contents) to one page, use {{page break}}

Template Example Result
{{rule}} {{rule}}{{rule}}



{{custom rule}} {{Custom rule|sp|100|d|6|sp|10|d|10|sp|10|d|6|sp|100}}

{{custom rule|c|6|sp|40|do|7|fy1|40|do|7|sp|40|c|6}}

{{separator}} {{separator}}
· · · · ·
{{***}} {{***}}



{{page break}} {{page break}} page

General formatting


Text can be colored using the {{greyed}} and {{red}} templates. Red text was often used as a highlight in older works, especially on the title page. Greyed text can be used to indicate (important) text that has been written or typed onto the original document. {{RunningHeader}} or {{rh}} creates a left justified, a centered, and a right justified block of text all on the same line, and is most often used in the Page namespace, in the header field to replicate page headers. {{gap}} is used wherever a gap of greater than one space is required.

Template Example Result
{{greyed}}, {{red}}, {{green}} {{greyed|grey text}}, {{red|red text}}, {{green|green text}} grey text, red text, green text
{{RunningHeader}} or {{rh}} {{RunningHeader|Left text|Center text|Right text}}
Left text
Right text
Center text
{{gap}} text with a{{gap|5em}}gap! text with agap!

Column formatting

  • {{multicol}}, {{multicol-break}}, {{multicol-section}}, {{multicol-end}}, this template uses a table to create multiple columns of text. You need to place the breaks explicitly, but they will never move.
  • {{div col}}, {{div col end}}, which uses CSS3 properies to create columns dynamically. The reader's browser will choose where best to put the breaks, so the layout cannot be guaranteed not to change. This one is good for lists, as you don't need to worry about placing {{multicol-break}}s.


Navigation templates are used to help a reader navigate through or between texts.

Template You type You get Notes
{{TOC}} {{TOC}}

table of contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Used to provide a compact TOC to an alphabetical listing.
{{AuxTOC}} {{AuxTOC|

* [[/Chapter 1/]]}}

അദ്ധ്യായങ്ങൾ (പട്ടികയിൽ ഇല്ലാത്തത്)
Used when the work does not include an original Table of Contents.
{{TOC begin}},
{{TOC end}} and
all {{TOC row....}}'s

{{TOC begin}}
{{TOC row 1-1-1|...}}
{{TOC end}}

Preface i
I. Introduction xii
II. Chapter 1 1
Used to easily format existing TOCs in the original.

തെറ്റുതിരുത്തൽ വായന ഫലകങ്ങൾ


Proofreading templates are used during proofreading to manage the process of transclusion to the main namespace.

Template You type You get
{{Hyphenated word start}} or {{hws}} This page ends with the split word "{{Hyphenated word start|abso|absolutely}} This page ends with the split word "abso-
{{Hyphenated word end}} or {{hwe}} {{Hyphenated word end|lutely|absolutely}}," split between two pages. -lutely," split between two pages.
{{nop}} Used where the end of a page is also end of a paragraph.

NB: The hyphenated word start and hyphenated word end should be paired across two pages in the Page namespace. They will appear correctly as one, unhyphenated word when transcluded to the main namespace.

ലേഖന-നിർദ്ദിഷ്ട ഫലകങ്ങൾ


Some templates are designed for specific articles in Wikisource. They can be found in Category:Specific article templates.

Housekeeping templates


Some templates are not designed for "inline" use in a work, but are used to keep track of things that need to be fixed or indicate the applicable licensing. Please see the following pages for these templates:

ഉപയോക്ത സംവാദ താളുകൾ


See Wikisource:User warning templates

Unblock requests


ഇതും കാണുക


ഫലകം:Proofreading help navbox

"https://ml.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=സഹായം:ഫലകങ്ങൾ&oldid=205430" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്