
വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാല സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
ഈ താളിൽ തെറ്റുതിരുത്തൽ വായന നടന്നിരിക്കുന്നു


correl correlative. fr. from.
Срds. Compounds. freq V. frequentative Verb.
CrArj. Cṛšṇārjuna Yuddham. fut. future tense.
CrР. Cṛši Pāṭṭụ (about agriculture). G. Greek (tongue).
CS. Kaṇacku Sāram. Gan. Ganita shāstram.
Cur. Curian G.: an Essay on the Mal.
Syr. Church etc., Cottayam 1872.
Ge. German (tongue).
gen. generally.
CV. Causal Verb. (Madras 1863. Gen. Genitive (case).
D. Day F, the Land of the Perumals, Genov. Genovefa (Rom. Cath. poem).
Dalkh. Dakhāni (tongue). Ger. Gerund (gram.).
Dat. Dative (case). GnP. Gnāna-pāna.
def V. defective Verb. Gōṇḍ (a Dravidian language).
den V. denominative Verb. Govt. Government.
der. derivative. GP. Guṇa-pāṭham, Cottayam.
desid. desiderative (verb etc.) gram.(m). grammar, grammatical term.
dict. dictionary. H. Hindustāni (tongue).
difft. different. Heb. Hebrew (tongue). [pany.
dim. diminutive (noun). H. C. The Honorable East India Com-
distr. distributive. HNK. (НК.) Harināma Kīrtanam.
DM. Dēvi Māhātmyam. hon. honorary, honorific.
DN. Damayantī Nāṭakam. Hor. (HV.) Hōrā Vyākhyānam.
doc. document, documental. Hung. Hungarian (tongue).
Drav. Dravidian. huntg. hunting.
E. English; East (region). Hyd. Hyder Ali.
EM. Ēkādaŝi Māhātmyam. id. idem = the same.
emph. emphatic, emphatically. i. e. id est=that is.
EP. Eli Pāṭṭụ (about cats & rats). imit. imitative (sound).
epist epistolary (style). imp. (impeṛs.) impersonal.
Eṙ. Eṙa-nāḍụ. Imper. Imperative.
esp. especially. indef. indefinite.
Esthn. Esthonian (tongue). Inf. Infinitive.
euph euphemistic. Interj. Interjection.
Eur Europe, European. insсr. inscription.
ex example. Instr. Instrumental (case).
expl. an expletive or expletively. Intens. Intensive.
f. feminine gender. inter. interrogative.
f. i. for instance. intr. intransitive.
fig figuratively. i. q. id quod=the same as.
Finn. Finnic (languages). J. Jerdon C.T.: the Birds of India
Calcutta 1862, 2 Vol.
foll. following. Jew. Doc. Jewish Documents.
Fr. French (tongue). jud. judicial papers.
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