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വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാല സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
ഈ താളിൽ തെറ്റുതിരുത്തൽ വായന നടന്നിരിക്കുന്നു

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iii.) The infinitive; with this the particle 'e' or 'um'
may be joined.

Ex: irimpum, tozhilum irikke keṭum [= iron and an art, when
left unused (lit. merely to exist) spoil]; dravyam 'vaḷare' unṭu
[= there is much wealth, lit. there is wealth (so as) to be much];
'ákave' našippikkum (= he will wholly destroy); 'perike'
vaḷarnnu [= it grew (so as) to be big]; seilagahwaram 'póle'
vápiḷarnnu [=its mouth opened (so as) to be like a mount-
ain cave].

iv.) The dependant nominatives of certain nouns derived
from verbs obsolete or defective, to these 'e' or 'um'
is generally joined.

Ex: cher̥r̥um grahichchíla [= he did not (in) the least under-
stand]; ichchonnapóle bhavikkum [= it will be (in) the manner
I have now said; mur̥r̥um grahikkáte [= not having under-
stood (at) all]; chákkukaḷe chur̥r̥um keṭṭichchu [= they tied
(quilted) bags round themselves]; nanne varddhikkum [=it
will progress well, lit. (with) goodness].

v.) The dependant nominative of ordinary nouns with
or without 'e'.

Ex: 'Gókarṇṇam' pukku [= he went (into) Gókarṇṇam]; sénaye
'náludikkum' ayachchu [= he despatched his army (to) the four
quarters]; 'pularkálame' ezhunír̥r̥yu [= he rose (at) daybreak];
'buddhipúrvam' ar̥ińńu koṭuttatum alla [= it was not a thing
given (with) full knowledge]; atu 'iningatre' véṇṭu [=that is
wanted here (i. e. I want it)].

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