
വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാല സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
ഈ താളിൽ തെറ്റുതിരുത്തൽ വായന നടന്നിരിക്കുന്നു


Rh. Rheede's hortus malabaricus, 1689. TR. Tellicherry Records
(chiefly A.D. 1796-1799).
Rom. Cath. Roman Catholic.
RS. Rāmāyaṇa Sankīrtanam. tr. transitive.
S. Sanscrit; South (region). Trav. Travancore (country).
Sah. Sahadēva Vākyam. TrP. Tiruwanantapura Panchāngam.
Sah.M. Sahya Māhātmyam.
Sancr. Sankrānti Māhātmyam. Tu. Tuḷu (tongue).
Sank. Ach. Shankara Āchārya's history(prose). Turk. Turkish (tongue).
Scr. Scriptural (Bible). UmV. Umēšāna vṛttam.
SG. Santāna Gōpālam (2 versions). UR. Uttara Rāmāyaṇam.
ShV. Shabari Vākyam. [etc.). v. verb.
sic =thus (so met with in Granthams v. a. active verb.
SidD. Siddhānta Dīpika. v. i. intransitive verb.
Sil. Shīlavati Pāṭṭụ. [ prefixes. v. int. intensive verb.
simpl. simple, i.e. verbor Noun without v. iter. iterative verb.
sing. singular (number). v.n. neuter verb.
Si Pu. (SP.) Shiva Purāṇam. V. part. Verbal participle.
SiR. Shiva-rātri Māhātmyam. v. t. transitive verb.
Sit Vij. Sītā Vijayam. V. verapoly dictionaries.
Sit Vṛtt. Sītā Vṛttam. V1. the 1st part, Mal. & Port.
Sk. Skāndam purāṇam. V2. the 2nd part, port. & Mal.
Soc. Social (case). VCh. Veirāgya chandrōdayam.
So. Can. South Canara. Ved. the Vedic language.
So. & So M. South, South Malabar. Ved (t). D. Vēdānta Daršanam.
Som. Sōmavāra-Pāṭṭụ. Vednt. Vēdānta treatise.
Som. Mah. Sōmavāra Māhātmyam. Vetc. (VC.) Vētāḷa Charitam. [ers).
SSh. Shilātāmra Shāsanaṅgal. VeY. Vēḍāyuddham (a poem about hunt-
Stuti different Stutis of Gods. Vilvp. Vilva Purāṇam.
Such. Mah. Shuchīndra Māhātmyam. VivR. Vivāda Ratnākaram.
Superl. Superlative. VN. Verbal Noun.
superst. superstition. Voc Vocative (case).
Sr., Swarg. several Swargārōhaṇam. vu. vulgar.
Swarg Kaly. Swargārōhṇa Kalyāṇam. VyM. Vyāvahāra Māla.
Syr. Syrian (tongue). VyP. Vyākaraṇa Pravēšam.
T. Tamil (tongue). W. Wilson's Vocabulary of Indian
terms; West (region).
t. tense.
Talip. Taḷipaṙambu (district). Winsl. Winslow. Tam.-Engl. Dict. (1862).
Tantr. Tantra-sangraham. 5. the five Dravidian languages: Ta-
mil, Telugu, Ċanarese, Tuḷu and
Tatw. Tattwa-gnānam.
Tdbh. Tadbhavam.
Te. Tẹlugu (tongue). 4. four of id. (with the exception
of the one given).
Tell. Tellicherry (district). Root.
temp. temporal. - l - repetition of the preceding word.
Ti. Tīppu Katha. Numbers after words refer to the pages of the
TP. Tachōḷi Pāṭṭụ.
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