This being the first work of the kind ever published
it cannot of course be expected to be perfect or incapable
of improvement. Of this the Author is fully sensible and
therefore claims the indulgence and candour of every im-
partial consulter of a work which has been executed with
no little labour, and a desire to give the correct rendering
of the words in Malayalim in all their meanings.
In the first two letters of the Alphabet the word To
is not prefixed to verbs. This was entirely an oversight.
This omission is supplied from the letter C to the end of
the work.
In reference to the work itself the Author flatters him-
self that it will prove of considerable utility not only to the
native student who is wishful to acquire a knowledge of
the English language, but also to Europeans desirous of
obtaining a knowledge of the Malayalim language. In
either case the object of the Author will be realized.
The Author desires again to record his most grateful
acknowledgments to General Cullen, British Resident of
Travancore and Cochin, for the very great interest he has
taken in this work as in his former Dictionary, not only in
warmly and liberally patronizing it himself, but in recom-
mending it to others and procuring for it the patronage of
the Rajah of Travancore and the Government of Fort St.
George, Madras.
November 1849.